

DesiVibe is a classified website created for the Indian community in Australia. It is an online marketplace where you can post and search for jobs, rentals, services, events, or community connections. Whether you're a newcomer seeking resources or a long-time resident looking to connect, this platform serves as a hub for fostering meaningful connections and facilitating growth within the Indian community.

Requirements & Challenges

The requirements included:

1. A website that reflected community vibes.
2. Business Logo.
3. Social Media Pages.
4. User-Friendly interface.
5. Responsive design for desktop, tablet and mobile.
6. Business and Customer Registration.
7. Location-based filtering.
8. Direct Messaging from customer to business.
9. User Reviews and Rating.
10. Ad Management System to handle listings.

Project Information




Brisbane, Australia


July, 2023



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Our Solutions

1. Created a visually appealing and user-friendly website that reflected a community feel.
2. Designed their brand Logo.
3. Created the Social Media Pages.
2. Responsive design that provided an ultimate user experience on whatever device was used.
3. Created a user registration form for the business/customer to create an account after verification.
4. Incorporated search & filtering system for users to refine their searches based on location..
5. Integrated a secure messaging system, enabling users to communicate directly with each other.
6. Developed a rating & review system for the users to provide feedback as per their experiences.
7. Built an Ad Management System to handle listing submissions, approvals, and expiration.